The Climate Action Tracker (Tracker) is intended to provide information about the City's progress towards achieving the targets, goals and actions established in the Climate Change Action Strategy (CCAS). The Tracker will help the City communicate and transparently report on progress, promoting accountability. Information from the Tracker will also be used for annual progress reports.
The Tracker is a dynamic tool - its content will be continuously updated and new features will be added as they are developed over time. In particular, additional measures and targets will be added to the Tracker to strengthen how progress is monitored and reported.
The Tracker is organized around the six components, or critical areas of action, identified in the CCAS to achieve the vision of a zero-carbon and climate-resilient city in 2050:
- Bold City Leadership
- Resilient 15-Minute Neighbourhoods
- Safe Zero-Carbon Transportation
- Healthy Zero-Carbon Buildings
- Climate-Positive Resilient Ecosystems
- Resilient Energy and Zero-Waste Systems
Each component in turn includes the following hierarchy:
- Vision: A narrative description of the desired future state for that component in 2050.
- Goals: The outcomes needed to reach the vision.
- Shifts: The changes needed to achieve each goal.
- Actions: The specific policy or program interventions needed to achieve a shift.
Each action is further detailed by supporting information, including:
- Progress – Details the action’s current implementation phase. Actions can be in one of four phases:
- Not Started – City staff have yet to begin working on the action.
- Planning – City staff are developing a plan to implement the action.
- Implementation – City staff are actively implementing the action.
- Complete – The action has been completed.
- Status – Indicates whether the action is on track according to the action timeline. Actions can have one of three statuses:
- On time – The action is progressing according to the timeline.
- Late – The action has fallen behind the timeline. If an action is set as late, an explanation will be provided.
- Cancelled or Postponed – The action is no longer being implemented. If an action is cancelled or postponed, an explanation will be provided.
- Official Description – Provides the full title of the action in the CCAS. The titles used in the Tracker have been simplified for ease of reference.
- Tasks – Details what needs to be done to implement the action, including a schedule.
- Timeline – Indicates the anticipated beginning and end dates for implementation of the action.
- Shift – The CCAS shift, or change needed to achieve the overarching goal, that the action supports.
- Quick-Start Action – Actions that have been identified as priorities to be initiated within two years of CCAS’s adoption in July 2023.
- Supporting City Policy – City plans, strategies and by-laws that are alignment with the action.
- Lead and Supporting Divisions – Indicates the divisions that will lead or support implementation of the action. The lead division(s) is listed first in a larger banner, followed by the supporting division(s).
- Contact Persons – The City staff member who is responsible for leading the action’s implementation. This individual is also responsible for updating information on the Tracker.