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4.1. Avoid carbon pollution and improve energy efficiency and resilience to climate impacts in new buildings

Adaptation potential

Mitigation potential





The goal to avoid carbon pollution and improve energy efficiency and resilience to climate impacts in new buildings is critical to avoid increasing Surrey’s second-largest source of community carbon pollution and to protect residents from extreme weather. This goal is the easier and least costly of the two Buildings-related goals, since designing higher performing buildings at the outset has minimal impact on cost. This goal will rely heavily on leadership from senior levels of government, and collaboration with other local governments, industry, and utilities. Shifts under this goal focus on updating the City’s regulations, streamlining processes and monitoring outcomes.

  • Surrey was an early adopter of Energy Step Code
  • Rapid growth rate creates opportunity for new construction standards to make an impact
  • Strong local expertise and building industry leadership

  • Zero-emissions new buildings avoid carbon pollution
  • Improved health and resilience by designing for future climate (e.g. heat) and improved air quality/comfort
  • Reduces costs of future retrofits; large economic development potential