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3.2. Transition to zero-emissions vehicles

Adaptation potential

Mitigation potential





Even as we shift to more sustainable transportation modes, as outlined in the previous goal, many residents will still need personal vehicles for many years to come. The goal to transition to zero-emissions vehicles is critical for meeting the City’s greenhouse gas emissions targets and will help to improve air quality by cutting tailpipe emissions. The Shifts under this goal aim to build on the current momentum in the electric vehicle transition to support a more rapid transition to zero-emissions passenger and freight vehicles.

  • Council adopted an Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy in 2021
  • Growing network of public EV charging
  • Market trends and senior government funding opportunities driving rapid EV uptake
  • Rapid growth provides opportunity for EV charging in new development

  • Eliminating vehicle emissions significantly reduces community greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduced air pollution supports health
  • Potential for revenue from sale of charging as low-carbon fuel to partially offset costs of infrastructure