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  • Not started
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  • Implementation
  • Completed

Progress of this action is dependent on additional staff capacity.

Official description

Explore options to develop a financing strategy to meet 2030 climate commitments, including capital and operating budgets
(Full action name in the CCAS)


The CCAS outlines both immediate actions and long-term transformations needed to achieve our greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets and enhance resilience to climate impacts. Implementing this strategy will require careful consideration of resource allocation, including adjustments to capital investments and operating budgets.

Given the strategy’s extended timeline, estimating costs and returns on investment with precision is inherently complex. In some cases, additional revenue may be required. This could involve reallocating existing budgets, securing external grants and financing, forming partnerships with industry, utilizing development-driven revenue, or increasing taxation.

This action focuses on exploring options to assess costs and develop a comprehensive financing strategy to support CCAS implementation and achieve the City’s 2030 climate commitments.

Summary and contacts


8/2024 → 7/2025

Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 12/16/2024