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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Develop strategies and seek council approval to address resource and capacity gaps needed to deliver on CCAS commitments
(Full action name in the CCAS)


The Climate Change Action Strategy is an ambitious plan that requires staffing resources in many City departments to be successfully implemented. To ensure this is achieved, each department involved in the strategy will need to conduct resource and capacity reviews to ensure that adequate resourcing is available to achieve their respective actions. This process will be facilitated by the Sustainability Team, with the support of Human Resources and approval by senior leadership.

To date, two new positions have been approved for funding, however a comprehensive staff capacity review has not been conducted and many leading and supporting divisions report staff capacity as a main challenge for CCAS implementation.

Summary and contacts


2023 → Continuous

Contact persons

  • Larisa Lensink
    City of Surrey
  • Pratibha Rialch
    City of Surrey
Information updated 21.08.2024