L2.5Provide climate education and training for staff
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
Official description
Meeting the City’s emissions reduction targets and enhancing community resilience to climate impacts requires a coordinated, "all-of-government" approach involving collaboration across all departments. Successful implementation of the CCAS will depend on leadership and active participation from every City division.
To support the lead and supporting divisions identified in the CCAS, the Sustainability Team will work closely with staff across the organization to provide ongoing education and training resources. By embedding the principles of climate action into daily operations, the City can integrate CCAS objectives into decision-making processes and future policy development, ensuring climate action becomes a foundational aspect of its operations.
What are we doing?
- 2025
Develop internal educational resources
What has been done?
- 03/01/2024
Develop and deliver CCAS educational campaign for staff