Develop and implement a “climate test” to evaluate and document the climate implications of significant capital projects and policy decisions
(Full action name in the CCAS)1. Bold City Leadership / 1.1. Align the City’s decision making and financial planning with climate commitments / L3. Develop tools and programs to embed climate action in the City's financial decision-ma... /
L3.1Develop a "climate test" for projects and policies
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
Progress of this action is dependent on additional staff capacity.
Official description
Many of the City’s capital projects and policy decisions have direction implications on GHG emissions and climate-resiliency. By applying a ‘climate test’, the City can evaluate these projects for alignment with climate objectives. This test is envisioned as a simple tool to help inform policy and decision makers by providing important insights into the potential climate performance of a policy or project. The results of the climate test can be used to prioritize initiatives that help to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to climate change.
What's left to do?
- 12/31/2024
Internal consultation
- 12/31/2024
Best practices review
- 7/31/2025
Development of draft 'climate test'
- 12/31/2025
Testing of draft 'climate test'
- 7/31/2026
Refinement, finalization and launch of 'climate test'