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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Develop education campaigns to increase public awareness and understanding of CCAS key priorities and individual actions that can make the biggest impact
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Increasing public awareness and understanding of climate action is vital for several reasons:

  • It empowers citizens to take action and advocate for meaningful climate change solutions.
  • It raises the profile of climate change in local discussions and decision-making.
  • It helps ensure that the City’s key climate initiatives remain a priority for Surrey City Council.

Achieving meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will require the active support and participation of Surrey residents in CCAS initiatives.

This action focuses on increasing public awareness of CCAS priorities and equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools to reduce their GHG emissions and build resilience to climate impacts. To achieve this, education campaigns will use diverse communication methods, including in-person events, online resources, and other outreach channels to engage and inspire the community.


What are we doing?

  • Todo2024

    Develop in-person and online climate action educational resources

  • Todo2025

    Attend community events

  • Todo2025

    Partner with City departments on public engagement initiatives

What has been done?

  • Done27.11.2023

    Launch the Climate Action Tracker

Summary and contacts


7/2023 → Continuous

Contact persons

  • Craig Busch
    Climate Action Planner
    City of Surrey
Information updated 16.12.2024