Explore opportunities to promote economic development in the green building industry
(Full action name in the CCAS)1. Bold City Leadership / 1.3. Collaborate with, support and empower the community and businesses in climate action / L8. Work with businesses, industry groups, and educational partners to position the City a... /
L8.2Promote economic development in the green building industry
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
Official description
The transition to zero-carbon, resilient buildings presents significant opportunities for local economic development and job growth. As demand increases for low-carbon materials, advanced technologies, and skilled trades, there will be a growing need for professionals to model energy performance, construct high-performance building envelopes, and install zero-carbon systems.
This action will involve City staff identifying and promoting opportunities to support the growth of the green building industry. This will include collaborating with industry organizations and developing local incentive programs to accelerate market transformation and establish Surrey as a leader in sustainable building practices.