Explore opportunities to encourage community grant applicants to incorporate climate action, prioritizing equity-seeking groups and vulnerable individuals in their grant applications
(Full action name in the CCAS)1. Bold City Leadership / 1.3. Collaborate with, support and empower the community and businesses in climate action / L9. Support and enable Surrey residents, employees, and groups to take meaningful climate... /
L9.3Incorporate climate action into community grants
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
Official description
The City offers community grants to support non-profit organizations in delivering programs, capital projects, and special events. Organizations seeking funding must complete an application process and are evaluated by the Grants Evaluation Committee based on established criteria.
This action will involve City staff exploring ways to integrate climate action objectives into the community grant program. Emphasis will be placed on prioritizing initiatives that support equity-seeking groups and vulnerable individuals, ensuring climate-related benefits are distributed equitably across the community.