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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Develop transportation demand management strategies for new development in rapid transit areas
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Transportation demand management (TDM) is a toolkit of strategies that support an increase in walking, cycling and transit. Examples of TDM can include transit passes, car share vehicles and memberships, enhanced cycling amenities, etc.

The City's zoning bylaw provides developers with the option of up to a 20% reduction in underground parking stalls in multi-family residential developments in City Centre when TDMs are provided. This reduction is supported by local and regional data indicating that lower demand for parking stall is feasible in City Centre when residents are also provided TDM options.

In 2021, Council directed staff through Corporate Report No. R115 to consider parking reductions for multi-family residential developments with underground parking in additional Rapid Transit Areas, as well as a review of the City's TDM policy. This work is currently underway.

Summary and contacts



Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Paul Hillsdon
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/15/2024