Explore parking management and/or alternative uses of curb space in Town Centres and around SkyTrain stations
(Full action name in the CCAS)3. Safe Zero-Carbon Transportation / 3.1. Prioritize walking, cycling and public transit over personal vehicles / T3. Encourage more equitable and sustainable use of public space through revisions to on-s... /
T3.1Explore alternatives for curb space near town centres and SkyTrain
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
On time
Management of high-demand curb space will continue with ongoing developments and projects, including the upcoming Surrey Langley SkyTrain extension stations.
Official description
The City of Surrey manages high-demand curb space in Town Centres and in the vicinity of SkyTrain stations. Management tools include parking restrictions, pay parking and designations for alternative uses such as taxis and accessible transit vehicles.