By 2030, complete Phase 1 of the Strategic Cycling Network and sidewalk network upgrades, prioritizing locations near Skytrain stations and City Centre
(Full action name in the CCAS)3. Safe Zero-Carbon Transportation / 3.1. Prioritize walking, cycling and public transit over personal vehicles / T2. Build networks of accessible and protected walking, cycling, and rolling routes connec... /
T2.2Complete Phase 1 of the Strategic Cycling Network and sidewalk upgrades
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
On time
Completing Phase 1 of the Strategic Cycling Network and Sidewalk Upgrades is dependent on funding allocation and approval of the 10-Year Servicing Plan. Implementation timelines will be updated once projects have been approved and incorporated into the 10-Year Servicing Plan.
Official description
To deliver the planned North Surrey Network, new infrastructure projects have been identified and are being integrated into the 10 Year Servicing Plan. The 10 Year Servicing Plan identifies and funds short and long term infrastructure projects throughout the City. The Plan is updated on an annual basis to reflect Council priorities, emerging opportunities, and coordination with external agencies.