T4.1Collaborate on frequent transit network improvements
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
Official description
Metro Vancouver’s Frequent Transit Network (FTN) is a network of corridors where transit service runs at least every 15 minutes in both directions throughout the day and into the evening, every day of the week.
In Surrey, only one in four residents has access to frequent transit, compared to 9 out of 10 residents in Vancouver. Continued investment in bus transit and the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain line will help, but we know there is significant latent demand for transit service to cover more of the city and provide more service frequency on busy transit routes.
Expanding the Frequent Transit Network in Surrey is needed to meet both regional and Surrey 2030 and 2050 land use and transportation GHG targets. Since transit delivery and operation is the responsibility of TransLink, collaboration between Surrey, TransLink, and Metro Vancouver is necessary to identify and deliver FTN improvements.
TransLink's Transport 2050 is the long range plan for transit in MetroVancouver and outlines key priorities, including expansion of the Frequent Transit Network.