T5.1Initiate an e-bike sharing pilot program
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
Electric bike share by Bird Canada launched in North Surrey on April 25, 2024.
Official description
The City of Surrey’s Climate Change Action Strategy and draft Surrey Transportation Plan call for the launch of an electric bike share pilot project in Spring of 2024. This action shared across the two plans has a purpose of supporting the Council approved targets of 50% Sustainable Mode Share and Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050.
The objective of the pilot project is to increase the use of cycling as a primary mode of transportation for shorter trips to key community destinations that complements and supports walking and transit.
The City has identified a proposed Operating Area in North Surrey, connecting the City Centre with Guildford Town Centre. This operating area was selected as it has:
- the highest population and employment densities in Surrey;
- the highest sustainable transportation mode share in Surrey;
- key community, retail, and employment destinations; and
- the ideal distance for shared electric bike trips.
To prepare for and support a successful electric bike share pilot, the City has made major road infrastructure improvements over several years to build a core network of protected bike lanes throughout the proposed operating area. The City has also invested in bike counters and wayfinding signage to support all cyclists using the network.
The City launched a competitive bidding process in Summer 2023 for a company that will finance, supply, operate, maintain, and market a self-sufficient, independently operated bike share system requiring no direct financial contributions or subsidies.
Bird Canada was awarded the contract and launched service on April 25, 2024.