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  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Progress on this action is dependent on additional staff resources.

Official description

Advocate to BC Hydro for funding and programs to help existing multiple-unit residential buildings add electric vehicle charging, and review opportunities for supportive City processes
(Full action name in the CCAS)


The majority of electric vehicle (EV) charging happens at home as the most convenient and reliable option. While installation of EV charging infrastructure in ground-oriented housing (e.g. single family homes, duplexes, and row houses) is relatively straightforward, residents in condominiums and rental apartments face additional financial, legal, logistical and technical barriers to installing EV charging at home. In Surrey, 25% of residents live in multiple-unit residential buildings, and this number is growing each year.

BC Hydro currently offers rebates for EV charging stations and EV Ready Plans and infrastructure to support comprehensive EV retrofits of multiple-unit residential buildings. This action involves advocating to BC Hydro to ensure consistent funding for these programs, and additional supportive programs to facilitate EV charging installations at existing condominium and apartment buildings.

In addition, the City can review current permitting processes to remove barriers and encourage EV charging installations at multiple-unit residential buildings in Surrey.

EV Charging hierarchy

Relative importance of different charging categories, by total energy dispensed. (Dunsky Energy and Climate: Keeping it Current, Guidance for Collaborative Deployment of EV Charging in Metro Vancouver).

Summary and contacts


9/1/2024 → Continuous

Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Larisa Lensink
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/30/2024