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  • Completed

Official description

Explore opportunities to expand local production of biofuel from waste
(Full action name in the CCAS)


The Surrey Biofuel Facility is both the first and largest closed-loop organic waste facility in North America. Designed to process 115,000 tonnes of organic waste a year, the facility turns organic waste into renewable natural gas (RNG) and high-quality compost. The RNG produced by the facility is then used to power the City’s waste collection trucks, operations vehicle fleet and to feed the City’s District Energy System representing a great example of circular economy. In total, the facility can produce up to 120,000 gigajoules of renewable natural gas and 45,000 tonnes of high quality compost each year.

This action will focus on how RNG production can be expanded from organic waste generated in Surrey.

Summary and contacts


2026 → 2027

Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/15/2024