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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Continue supporting and educating residents to divert remaining organics and recyclables from the garbage stream
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Waste contributes 3% of Surrey’s total community emissions, mainly from methane released by decaying organic materials in landfills. The City has strong programs in place for recycling and organic waste division and currently 70% of waste collected by the City from residences is diverted from the landfill. Emissions from waste can be reduced further by increasing participation in the organics collection program. Placing non-recyclable materials in recycling carts can contaminate the recycling stream and result in fully-recyclable goods being sent to the landfill. The City is actively engaged in waste diversion education efforts, including checking individual recycling carts for unacceptable items which can cause contamination.

This action will see City staff continue delivering communications campaigns and educational resources to increase understanding of proper waste disposal.

Summary and contacts


2023 → Continuous

Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/15/2024