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  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed
On time

The City initiated a Zero-Carbon Building Design Policy Review in early late 2023, which was completed in spring of 2024. Future action and relate policy and bylaw amendments are anticipated to be incorporated into the ongoing OCP and Zoning Bylaw updates over the next 24 Months, to be ultimately adopted by the end of 2025.

Official description

Undertake a scan to identify existing or potential barriers to resilient zero-carbon buildings in City policies and/or bylaws (e.g., urban design, floor area, and setbacks)
(Full action name in the CCAS)


The City is preparing to update its new construction standards to incorporate carbon pollution limits and higher energy efficiency standards through the BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code. As part of this process, it is important to understand and communicate the relationship between building form, urban design, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions.

The City is undertaking a review of current building design guidance to identify barriers to and opportunities for high performance, low carbon and resilient new buildings. This project focuses on Building Design review and is most reflective of “Step Code Conflicts Assessment” and “OCP Development Permit Regulations” but also understanding of related Zoning Bylaw Regulations influence. The emphasis is on conflicts or barriers posed to implementing higher levels of the BC Energy Step Code including urban design guidelines and the Zero Carbon Step Code. Findings and recommendations from this study will be implemented through policy updates to ensure guidance does not present barriers to reaching the highest steps of the Energy Step Code and allows for leading developers to voluntarily adopt higher levels of performance.

Summary and contacts


9/2023 → 12/2025

Contact persons

  • Markus Kischnick
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/31/2024