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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Advocate for senior government regulations, funding, education programs and program supports to phase out GHG emissions from existing buildings
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Carbon pollution from the City’s current building stock account for 42% of community emissions. The majority of these buildings will still be in use in thirty years, which means nearly all existing buildings will need to be retrofitted to be zero-carbon and climate-resilient in 2050. Given the scale of this challenge, significant leadership and support from senior levels of government is needed to introduce new regulations, programs and policies. The City can play a key role in advocating for increased action from federal, provincial and regional governments that is effective and efficient in scaling up retrofits in Surrey.

Summary and contacts



Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Larisa Lensink
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/15/2024