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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Apply leading standards and practices to plant and maintain structurally and biologically diverse, long-lived, healthy and climate-resilient trees in parks and street boulevards
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Strucutrally and biologically diverse tree planting increases the climate resilience of our urban forests. The Urban Forest Management Strategy, Biodiversity Design Guidelines and Shade Tree Management Plan provide guidance for staff on improving the diversity of our tree planting programs. Metro Vancouver's Urban Forest Climate Adaptation Initiative’s tree species selection database provides guidance on selecting suitabile tree species based on the current and projected future climate in the Metro Vancouver region.


What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Continue to follow tree planting standards developed by Metro Vancouver

  • Todo12/31/2024

    Monitor short and long term survivability of trees planted in parks and along streets

  • Todo6/30/2025

    Update Parks construction standards document

Summary and contacts



Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Robin Landucci
    Urban Forestry Manager
    City of Surrey
Information updated 16.07.2024