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On time
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  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Official description

Leverage data to develop climate equity mapping tools, consistent with strategic corporate equity policy
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Climate change disproportionately impacts people who have contributed the least to the problem and who have the least ability to adapt. Climate equity is a guiding principle of the CCAS and focuses on ensuring a fair distribution of climate action benefits and alleviating the disproportionate burdens caused by climate change. A climate equity approach recognizes the need to provide support scaled to the needs of an individual, to overcome intentional or unintentional barriers resulting from bias or systemic structures.

The City proposes developing an equity index and GIS mapping tool with a focus on climate-related risks and actions. The tool would integrate available datasets and best-practice methodology to develop an index that provides an overall indication of relative equity. The tool would be used by staff to incorporate climate-equity considerations into decision-making related to climate adaptation, infrastructure development, emergency response and land-use planning.


What's left to do?

  • Todo12/2024

    Develop tool with support from GIS team

  • Todo1/2025

    Soft launch tool with working group members and select City staff

  • Todo2/2025

    Develop supporting documentation about the intended uses, limitations and uncertainties of tool

  • Todo3/2025

    Finalize tool and upload to City GIS

What are we doing?

  • Todo8/2024

    Convene a staff working group to refine project scope, including preferred methodology and indicators

What has been done?

  • Done08/31/2023

    Research best practices from North American municipalities

Summary and contacts


8/2022 → 3/2024

Is this a Quick-Start Action?

Contact persons

  • Craig Busch
    Climate Action Planner
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/12/2024