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  • Completed

Progress of this action is dependent on additional staff capacity.

Official description

Explore options for funding climate adaptation in capital projects
(Full action name in the CCAS)


A capital project is a long-term, capital-intensive investment designed to build, enhance, or improve City assets. Examples of capital projects include:

  • Infrastructure, such as roads and utilities;
  • Recreational facilities, including arenas, sports fields, and parks; and
  • Arts and cultural amenities.

While addressing the causes of climate change is critical, the City must also prepare for and adapt to the impacts we are already experiencing and those expected in the future. These include extreme heat, increased precipitation, and wildfire smoke. Capital projects provide a unique opportunity to enhance climate resilience by incorporating measures such as green infrastructure, shading, and advanced air filtration systems.

This action will explore strategies to prioritize funding for climate adaptation measures as integral components of capital projects.

Summary and contacts


9/2024 → 12/2025

Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Craig Busch
    Climate Action Planner
    City of Surrey
Information updated 12/16/2024