L6.2Update the City's hazard, risk, and vulnerability assessment
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
Progress of this action is dependent on additional staff capacity.
Official description
A hazard, risk, and vulnerability analysis (HRVA) assesses the following:
- Hazards: Sources or situations with the potential to cause harm, including human injury, damage to health, property, or the environment, or a combination of these.
- Risk: The likelihood of a hazard occurring and the severity of its potential impacts on health, property, the environment, or other assets of value.
- Vulnerability: The people, property, infrastructure, industries, resources, or environments that are particularly exposed to adverse impacts from a hazardous event.
The purpose of an HRVA is to help communities make risk-based decisions to address vulnerabilities, mitigate hazards, and prepare for response and recovery from a range of hazardous events. Climate change is increasingly introducing new risks and intensifying existing ones.
The City conducted an HRVA as part of the 2013 Climate Adaptation Strategy and completed a preliminary update during the development of the CCAS. Under the updated Emergency and Disaster Management Act, the Province will require municipalities to prepare and maintain risk assessments. As new regulations are introduced, the Province will outline timelines, detailed requirements, and provide supportive resources for local HRVAs.
This action involves completing a comprehensive update of the City’s HRVA to integrate current climate projections and align with emerging provincial requirements.