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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

In partnership with other agencies, build capacity in the community for managing climate-related emergencies prioritizing equity-seeking groups and vulnerable individuals
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Climate impacts in Surrey, including extreme heat, wildfire smoke, and intense precipitation, are increasingly triggering emergency situations that require immediate responses. These impacts are not experienced equally, with vulnerable residents facing the greatest risks. By fostering community connectedness, establishing safe refuge spaces, and educating residents, Surrey can enhance community resilience to climate impacts.

The Surrey Emergency Program provides guidance and resources to help residents prepare for emergencies such as floods, storms, and extreme heat. Through this action, the City and its partners will strengthen relationships with community organizations that provide critical services and seek opportunities to expand access to resources needed to protect residents during extreme weather events. This work will prioritize equity-seeking groups and vulnerable individuals who are most at risk from climate-related emergencies.

Summary and contacts


2023 → Continuous

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 12/16/2024