Partner with academic and training institutions, health authorities and others to undertake, share, and apply research and best practices to assess and reduce risk and vulnerability to climate-related hazards such as extreme heat and flooding
(Full action name in the CCAS)1. Bold City Leadership / 1.3. Collaborate with, support and empower the community and businesses in climate action / L7. Continue to update emergency management programs and resources to enhance community re... /
L7.2Assess and reduce risk and vulnerability to climate-related hazards
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
Official description
Climate-related emergency preparedness is an evolving field, as the frequency and severity of impacts continue to rise. Expertise from a range of disciplines is essential to effectively assess risks and implement interventions that protect residents during extreme weather events.
This action will involve City staff connecting with external organizations – including academic and training institutions and health authorities – to share relevant information and best practices. The goal is to assess and reduce risks and vulnerabilities to climate-related hazards such as extreme heat and flooding.