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  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous
On time

Ongoing action. Sidewalk package for 2024/2025 design and 2025/2026 construction has been submitted. Sidewalk projects meet criteria set out in our sidewalk prioritization framework.

Official description

Explore options for funding to accelerate the build-out of infrastructure for walking, cycling, and transit
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Surrey’s transportation system relies on multiple funding sources including contributions from all levels of government and private development sectors. As new infrastructure continues to be built, additional funding is required for operations and maintenance to keep the City’s roads, sidewalks, and cycling infrastructure in a state of good repair. As electric vehicle ownership increases, reductions in both Federal and Provincial Gas Tax revenues will further impact available funding. To increase walking, cycling and transit infrastructure, new sustainable and reliable funding sources are required. Additional budget reallocation will also be necessary to prioritize sustainable modes of transportation ahead of private vehicles.

Summary and contacts



Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Peter Klitz
    City of Surrey
  • Brian Haney
    City of Surrey
  • Paul Hillsdon
    City of Surrey
Information updated 12/13/2024