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  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Official description

Integrate green infrastructure (e.g. rain gardens and street trees) as a core element of “complete streets” to support climate resilience including protection from extreme heat
(Full action name in the CCAS)


Green infrastructure—such as street trees, rain gardens, and bioswales—consists of natural and engineered assets that deliver environmental, economic, and health benefits. When integrated into roadways, green infrastructure enhances active transportation corridors by ensuring they remain comfortable, safe, and usable year-round, even during extreme weather events. For example, street trees provide shade and weather protection for pedestrians and cyclists, while rain gardens absorb and filter runoff, reducing the risk of flooding on sidewalks and bike lanes. These elements also create a more pleasant urban environment, encouraging walking and cycling as alternatives to driving.

This action focuses on prioritizing green infrastructure alongside sustainable transportation infrastructure in the City’s street design practices and standards. By designing complete streets that include safe, protected pathways for walking and cycling along with green infrastructure—such as rain gardens, street trees, and permeable surfaces—the City can reduce carbon emissions, mitigate urban heat, and foster social and economic opportunities.

Summary and contacts


2025 → 2027

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 12/18/2024