T1.4Increase public awareness of the need to prioritize active modes and transit
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
Promoted and increased public awareness of safe and sustainable transportation at City-led festivals (Party for the Planet, Fusion Festival, Tree Lighting, etc.) as well as in school and pop up sustainable transportation events.
Official description
This action involves increasing awareness and outreach activities that educates and encourages the use of active transportation. Outreach and education is critical to support the successful introduction of e-bike share to Surrey and the expansion of protected cycling facilities, rapid transit, and walking infrastructure.
To date, Surrey has focused these efforts primarily on the Safe and Active Schools Program that encourages students and youth to travel to school by active modes. Through the implementation of this action, broader outreach programs will be established to provide education on the need to shift travel to more sustainable modes, which is necessary to meet our climate and active transportation targets.