Pilot a pedestrian “green” street conversion in each of Surrey’s five town centres, including tactical interventions to create safe areas for non-motorized mobility and public space, along with trees and landscape features
(Full action name in the CCAS)3. Safe Zero-Carbon Transportation / 3.1. Prioritize walking, cycling and public transit over personal vehicles / T1. Update transportation practices, policies, standards, and capital plans to prioritize... /
T1.5Pilot pedestrian “green” street conversions in town centres
On time
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Completed
Official description
The intent of this action is to identify key streets or corridors in each of Surrey's five Town Centres to implement tactical or permanent interventions to increase the comfort, safety, and sustainability of pedestrian-oriented public spaces. Interventions could include increased street trees for shade, landscaping to attract pollinators and street furniture and public art to make streets more attractive for all road users.