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The Natural Area Management and Biodiversity Design Guidelines provide a framework to increase biodiversity and resilience of City parks and greenspaces.

Official description

Improve biodiversity and resilience of City parks and greenspaces, such as by controlling invasive species and including more native plants, pollinator habitat and water-conserving landscaping features
(Full action name in the CCAS)


The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (2014) provides a framework for maintaining and increasing biodiversty in Surrey. The Parks Division has been actively managing park land by removing invasive plants and installing native trees and shrubs for over 20 years.

Ongoing actions to improve biodiversity in City parks and greenspaces include:

  • Removal of invasive plants in park land and replanting with native trees and shrubs.
  • Creation of pollinator meadows in park land
  • Installation of drought tolerant horticultural plants in garden beds

Summary and contacts



Lead and supporting divisions

Contact persons

  • Robin Landucci
    Urban Forestry Manager
    City of Surrey
Information updated 15.07.2024