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On time

Part of Surrey's Zoning Bylaw Update and Provincial Initiatives to provide more Missing-Middle Housing and 15 Minute Neighbourhoods.

Official description

Prepare proposed updates to the Zoning Bylaw to support a wider variety of types of homes (e.g. multiplexes up to four storeys) in existing residential neighbourhoods, along with small scale commercial uses (e.g. corner stores)
(Full action name in the CCAS)


This Work is underway to include new policy as part of the upcoming Official Community Plan update and new Zoning options as part of the Zoning Bylaw update. This is scheduled to be undertaken over the next 24 months for completion in late 2025.

This Missing Middle Housing Initiative aims to create more diverse housing options and provide more local amenities within existing Neighborhoods. The new regulations will be created to align with Provincial initiatives and provide 'as of right' multi-unit buildings in traditional residential zoned areas, and provide more opportunities for live-work and small scale commercial uses.