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On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Official description

Advocate to BC Hydro for improved planning and provision of sufficient electrical supply and distribution in new growth areas, accounting for increased electrification
(Full action name in the CCAS)


BC Hydro generates and delivers electricity to 95% of the provincial population, including Surrey residents. Careful planning is undertaken by BC Hydro to ensure a reliable electrical network is provided. New technologies, industrial development, population growth, and energy policies all factor in to how much electricity is needed across the province. Through their various planning initiatives, BC Hydro studies these factors to forecast what future demand will look like, and how it can be met through energy generation and conservation initiatives. With the transition to electric buildings and transportation, upgrades to local electricity distribution infrastructure will be required.

This action involves City staff actively advocating to BC Hydro, ensuring that there is ample electrical supply and distribution in new growth areas throughout Surrey. As part of this effort, neighbourhood-level plans to guide development will be communicated to BC Hydro. This collaboration aims to incorporate planned growth considerations into BC Hydro's planning processes, thereby facilitating a reliable power supply to support the city's infrastructure development.

Summary and contacts


2024 → Continuous

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/15/2024