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  • Not started
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  • Implementation
  • Completed

Official description

Explore opportunities to encourage on-site and distributed energy and self-production (e.g., solar, battery, smart grid systems)
(Full action name in the CCAS)


With the transition to electricity in the buildings and transportation sectors, on-site and distributed energy production will have an important role to play in meeting increasing electricity demands. In particular, distributed solar on rooftops and battery storage provide additional decentralized power sources and will become increasingly cost-effective as the technology costs continue to decline. Using smart controls to reduce demand at peak times like charging electric vehicles at night can also alleviate strain on the grid. BC Hydro is in the process of reviewing their rate design to better support distributed electricity production and shifting of peak loads, two critical strategies in meeting the anticipated future electricity demand and enhancing grid resilience. As this work progresses, the City can also consider how best to encourage on-site and distributed energy production to support widespread electrification and grid reliability.

Summary and contacts


2026 → 2027

Contact persons

  • Sustainability Team
    City of Surrey
Information updated 07/15/2024